Time unit in Buckets
George Mihailov
George Mihailov
Michael Mancuso, how about also showing value in money?
Of course, accounting will calculate it properly and they need reports in hours. I see this valuable for the reviewer -- instead of XYZ hours (what doesn't tell me much because as a techie I don't deal with hours) it could display values like $3,000 (what is a much easier to comprehend).
For example, an epic worth 300 hours or an epic worth $9,000 ($30/h rate).
Michael Mancuso
George Mihailov, this can be a complex topic.
Our company estimates the business value that an epic will generate and compares it to the team cost to realize that value.
(E.g. Building this widget will automate X hours of effort, allowing us to support Y additional deals, resulting in $Z in business value.
The team costs A per sprint, this is likely to take B sprints, so we will see a rerun in C sprints.)
The real value for us would be being able to tie epics to Jira Portfolio initiatives. That would help accounting use the data more effectively.
George Mihailov
Michael Mancuso: thank you for a detailed response. At this point Jira Portfolio does not expose official APIs and we are limited with what we can do. The only interface we have is at Epic level, so if some details are passed to Epics as a custom filed, then it can be used.
George Mihailov
in progress